Ищу работу в должности 3ВПК

Объявление создано: 19.06.2018

Актуально до: 01.01.2019

Good Day! I'm looking for vacancies for Navigational officer. I have got experience 3rd officer. I’m self motivated. and always love to learn new things and to be challenged. I can do the job well as I am a hard working person. My previous vessel is oil tanker, also i'm keeping all certificates with valid date. I'm innovative, very well with nowadays technologies, computer friendly, with good English. Pls, contact with me by E-mail: denbar274@yandex.ru and mobile phone : +7 918 34 88 234 I use WhatsApp & Viber. With kind regards

Контактные даныне
Котактное лицо: Денис
Страна: RU
Город: Новороссийск
Email: denbar274@yandex.ru
Телефон: +7(918) 348-82-34